藤岡 薫
フジオカ カオル
主要研究業績 - 2016年度以前
MASを用いた人工林でのシカ被害対策の検討. 九州森林研究,no.70,pp.133-135, 2017.
Kaoru Fujioka, Sayaka Abe(2016)
A model for slash-and-burn using cellular automata. International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, vol.16, issue 1, pp.1-15, 2016.
Kaoru Fujioka, Chihiro Suwa(2015)
A cellular automaton for traffic jam caused by railroad crossing. Journal of Mobile Multimedia, vol.11, no.3&4, pp.223-236, 2015.
Kaoru Fujioka (2013)
Morphic characterizations with insertion systems controlled by a context of length one. Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 469, pp.69-76, 2013.
Kaoru Fujioka, Hirofumi Katsuno(2011)
On the generative powers of cancel minimal linear grammars with single nonterminal symbol except the start symbol. IEICE Transactions, 94-D(10), pp.1945-1954, 2011.
Kaoru Fujioka (2011)
Morphic characterizations of languages in Chomsky hierarchy with insertion and locality. Information and Computation, Vol.209, Issue 3, pp.397-408, 2011.
Kaoru Fujioka (2010)
Refinement of representation theorems for context-free languages. IEICE Transactions, Vol. E93.D, No. 2, pp.227-232, 2010.
Kaoru Onodera, Takashi Yokomori (2008)
Doubler and linearizer: an approach toward a unified theory for molecular computing based on DNA complementarity. Natural Computing, Vol. 7, Num. 1, pp.125-143, 2008.
Kaoru Onodera (2007)
On the generative powers of some extensions of minimal linear grammars. IEICE Transactions, Vol. E90-D, No.6, pp.895-904, 2007.
Kaoru Onodera(2003)
A note on homomorphic representation of recursively enumerable languages with insertion grammars. IPSJ Journal, Vol. 44, No. 5, pp.1424-1427, 2003.