Tomoko NOYORIBrief personal history1984 Graduated from the Japanese History Major, College of Letters, Ritsumeikan University2002 Completed the Master’s Program in Humanities, Graduate School of Humanities, the University of Kitakyushu 2007 Obtained sufficient credits to complete the PhD program at the Department of Social and Human Development, Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu University (but did not acquire the PhD degree) 2007 Part-time instructor at the University of Kitakyushu and Fukuoka Prefectural University 2010 Researcher at the Office of Research and International Affairs, National Women’s Education Center of Japan Degrees2002 Masters (Study of Human Relations)2007 PhD (Study of Education) Research themes・Study of female labor and study of homeless in the context of labor-family relations・Study of women’s career formation processes ・Development of career formation programs for female students ・Issues and potentials of gender equality in universities Brief explanation of researchI conduct historical studies of female labor in coal mines and studies of current homeless issues in the context of labor-family relations, i.e., from the viewpoint of “male breadwinners.”My research focus on the process of transformation of female mine workers in present-day Chikuho Coal Mine and their families into modern families, paying attention to the formation process of the concept of “family wage” and the ideological apparatuses connected with that transformation. Although the traditional employment and wage system have collapsed by now, the social security system modeled after the ideological concept of “family wage” and “male breadwinner” households is still alive and has been the cause of further decline in the status of female labor. Due to this status decline, single mothers are forced to have multiple jobs, yet still face difficulties in maintaining a respectable livelihood, and the family wage-based social security system is believed to further advance genderization and impoverishment of women in the labor market. In my research, I approach these modern issues from a historical point of view. In my study of the homeless, I analyze the process through which people end up homeless on the streets based on the hypothesis that many homeless people grew up in single mother families or grandparent-headed households without “male breadwinners”, or in “male breadwinners” households incapable of earning sufficient income to support a family. In my study on female career formation, after arguing that there are two basic types of careers, i.e., occupational careers and social activity careers, I interpreted middle-aged and the elderly women working at NPO and similar as one aspect of the tendency of females in Japan to quit work after becoming pregnant or similar reasons and resume working after rearing their children and revealed that they tend to solve issues in communities and contribute to community development while forming their careers. In addition, I believe that continuous employment is important for female students to become independent and develop career development programs specifically aiming for long-term employment of women (gender equality) while taking their different life cycles into account. Select publication list1.[Sole author] 2.Female Labor and Family in Modern Chikuho Coal Mine― Formation Process of the Concept of “Family Wage” and “Family Ideology”―, Akashi Shoten, 2010. 3. 4.[Co-author] 5.•Structure of Resident Self-governance that Builds up Public Spaces―Centered Around Higashi-hakozaki Citizen Center in Fukuoka City―, Reconstruction of Community Center in School District―History and Practice of Community Center in School District in Fukuoka (Series: Study of Building Community Vol. VII), Hokuju Shuppan, 2005. 6.•From “Loss of Relations” to “Recovery of Relations”―Case Study of Self-reliance Support Activities by the NPO Kitakyushu Homeless Support Organization―, Social Exclusion and Social Education (Japanese Social Education Vol. 50), Toyokan Publishing, 2006. 7.•Poverty and Social Education of Women/the Elderly, Present-day Poverty and Social Education-Lifelong Education Deeply Entrenched in Local Community-, Kokudosha, 2009. 8.•Problem of Social Exclusion and Social Education, [New Edition] Lifelong Education and Community Education, Shumpusha Publishing, 2010. 9.•Support for Homeless and Creation of Community, Restructuring of Social Education/Lifelong Education and Social Capital, University Press, 2012. 10.•Support for Female Homeless through Consideration of their Feeling, Community Creation for Human Development-Social Education that Protects Human Rights and Builds Autonomy, Kokudosha, 2012. 11.•Relationship between Exclusion of Young Homeless from Labor and Family in which They Grew, Empowerment of Workplace (Japanese Social Education Collection No. 57), Toyokan Publishing, 2013. 12. 13.[Academic paper] 14.•Development of Coal Mine Capital Enlightenment Activities in Safety Campaign―Centered Around Livelihood Improvement Activity in Coal Mine Housewives Association―, Japan Society for the Study of Adult and Community Education Bulletin No.39, the Japan Society for the Study of Adult and Community Education, June 2003. 15.•The Transformation Process of the Role of Female Workers at the Modern Chikuho Coal Mine, 6th International Takayama History Conference Proceedings, January 2004. 16.•Structure and Development of Safety Campaign as Enlightenment Activity in Coal Mine Capital, Energy History Research (edited by the Research Center for Materials on Coal Mining, Kyushu University), No.19、March 2004. 17.•Current Condition and Issues of Personnel for Social Education Involved in Community Welfare―Case Example of Kita-kokura Civic Welfare Centerー, Kyushu Association of Education Bulletin (Kyushu Association of Education), Vol. 31, September 2004. 18.•Development Process of Day-care Center in Modern Chikuho Coal Mine, Energy History Research (edited by the Research Center for Materials on Coal Mining, Kyushu University), No. 20, March 2005. 19.•History and Potential of Community Centers in School Districts of Big Cities,” joint authorship of Kaori Nagata/Tomoko Noyori, Monthly Social Education, July issue (Kokudosha), June 2005. 20.•Current Conditions and Issues of “Designated Administrator System” in Kitakyushu City Liabrary, Monthly Social Education, August issue (Kokudosha), July 2006. 21.•From “Supported” to “Supporter,” Monthly Social Education, September issue (Kokudosha), August 2006. 22.•Current Conditions and Issues of Homeless Self-reliance Support System in Kitakyushu City―from Viewpoint of Education Welfare―, Kyushu Association of Education Bulletin (Kyushu Association of Education), Vol. 33, August 2006. 23.•Possibility of Collaboration in Homeless Self-reliance Support Project―from Self-reliance Support System by the NPO Kitakyushu Homeless Support Organization―, Social Education Thought Study (Kyushu University Social Education Thought Laboratory Bulletin) No. 3, October 2007. 24.•Women’s Club Activities and Volunteer Activities in Community Welfare―Case Example of Mini Day Service “Hogaraka-kai” in Yaka Community Center―, Promotion of Community Welfare and Self-reliance Support for Young People in Colonial Community Center, Scientific Research Report (research representative: Takeo Matsuda, Kyushu University), March 2008. 25.•Current Conditions and Issues of Social Education/Lifelong Education Administrative Reform in Kitakyushu City―from Civic Welfare Center to Civic Center―, Reformation of Social Education/Lifelong Education and Social Capital Vol. 1, Scientific Research Report (research representative: Takeo Matsuda, Nagoya University), March 2009. 26.•Consideration on Transformation of “Factory Physical Education” as Occupational Health Measure―Centering on Magazine “Industrial Welfare” in 1930s, Journal of Ohara Institute for Social Research, No. 607 (Ohara Institute for Social Research), May 2009. 27. 28. Research fieldCulture/History Social System Hands-on LearningStudy of Female Lifelong Learning Community Exchange Membership of Academic Societies・Japan Society for the Study of Adult and Community Education・ Japan Association for Social Policy Studies ・Japan NPO Research Association ・Japanese Association of Labor Sociology ・Kyushu Association of Education ・Historical Science Society of Japan Funds(1) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research for (C) “Research on Construction of Social Capital in Self-reliance Support for Socially Excluded Homeless” (Research representative Tomoko Noyori, Kyushu University ), 2009 to 2011(2) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research [research publishing promotion expenditure/academic library] “Female Labor and Family in Modern Chikuho Coal Mine ― Formation Process of the Concept of “Family Wage” and “Family Ideology―,” (Author Tomoko Noyori, Kyushu University), Issue No. 215228, 2009 (3) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research for (C) “Research on System Construction for Livelihood support for Young Homeless and Creation of Will to Work” (Research representative Tomoko Noyori, National Women’s Education Center of Japan), issue No. 24531050, FY2012 to FY2014 Contributions to local society・Gender history, female labor, female career education, social education and social exclusion, homeless issues, women and poverty, poor and needy youthRelated field
KeywordsFemale labor and family, gender, homeless, career formation of women, social education, gender equality in universities |