AEP Academic English Program


For Teachers
Writing Centers Online in the World
♦ List of Wrinting Centers Online in the world

Writing Centers Online - International Writing Centers Association
● Writing Center Directory

♦ UK

University of Manchester

Academic Phrasebank

Academic English

Online Academic English and Skills Development Material

Phrasebank is open access

There are lots of samples of the phraseological "nuts and bolts".
Bangor University The English Language Centre for Overseas Students (ELCOS) Resources for Four Skills
University of Bath English Language Centre Apps for language learning 
University College London UCL Centre for Languages & International Education (CLIE)

The Self-Access Centre - English

A lot of materials are in-centre only.
Glasgow University

Language Centre

English as a Foreign Language

Studying English Independently
Recommended websites & books
Kingston University English Language Development Programme Resources on the Internet 
University of Reading Self-Access Centre for Language Learning English for Academic Purposes

Harvard College Writing Program Writing Resources Useful writing resources.
Southern Utah University Writing Center Lots of resources available in pdf file.

Memorial University Writing Centre Resources
University of Ottawa The Writing Centre Hypergrammar / Resources
University of Toronto Writing Centres Advice
Wilfrid Laurier University in Ontario Writing Centre Online writing resources / Handouts
Douglas College Learning Centre Our Handouts
St. Francis Xavier University Information for Undergraduate Students  

Australian National University Academic Skills & Learning Centre
University of Melbourne

Services for Students

Academic Skills
James Cook University Learning Skills Online
University of New South Wales 

The Learning Centre

Academic Skills Resources

Learning Links
University of Sydney Learning Centre
Finders University Study and Writing Guides
Monash University Language and Learning Online
Curtin University of Technology Student Learning Support Centre
Murdoch University Online and Print Resources
Charles Darwin University Study Skills Online
RMIT Melbourne Learning Skills Unit
University of Adelaide Language & Learning Service
University of Canberra Learning & Academic Success Network
University of Southern Queensland The Learning Centre
University of Western Sydney Learning Skills Unit
University of Western Australia Learning & Language@UWA

New Zealand
Aukland University of Technology Student Learning Centre
Loncoln University Develop Your Learning
Massey University The Online Writing and Learning Link

Central European University, Hungary Center for Academic Writing  
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden Writing Centre 外部リンク(大学以外)多い
Bogazici University  Online Writing Lab Exercises あり
Middle East Technical University Academic Writing Center Handouts
Sabanci University, Turkey Writing Center Useful Links

HK Academic Writer

W.W.Norton & Company, Inc. NORTON / WRITER Exercises (Excellent) / Model Student Papers
Association for Learning Development in Higher Education, UK Centre for Excellence in Teaching & Learning LearnHigher - Resources for Students

Center for Communication Practices, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Writer’s Web, University of Richmond 

Advice on Academic Writing, University of Toronto

Writing Center, The University of Kansas


Handouts from Writing, Bowling Green State University


Literacy Education Online, St. Cloud State University


Writer’s Guide, The University of Victoria


A selection of websites related to various aspects of academic writing compiled by Cambridge Language Consultants.